Genius struck that fateful year (2008) when I half-jokingly suggested an alternative: create a tree out of leftover pine branches and arrange in a vase. We wouldn't have to buy or schlep a tree home. It wouldn't be wasteful; in fact, it's downright green. It would fit on top of the icebox. No stringing tangled lights. Just a few ornaments and we're done. For the time-pressed, space-challenged or just plain lazy, this is awesome.
So I got a few branches from a co-worker who'd just purchased a tree, snipped a few sprigs and voila! Meet Piney...
It was so easy, we vowed to do it again next year. Strangely, no photos exist of Piney #2. But I promise the mini-tree tradition continued.
This year, we found bundled branches for the bank-breaking cost of $3/bunch at our local nursery. It was more than enough materials to make Piney #3. So I made two smaller arrangements: one for the Christmas table and another for one of the guest rooms. The first floor is filled with the fragrance of Piney and her siblings.
And 2010 will be a little more special than years past. It's my first Christmas with Mr. P at our home, rather than dividing and conquering at our parents' homes 8 hours apart. Merry Christmas indeed!
What are your holiday traditions? Did you and your sweetie start a new one?
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