Tuesday, October 23, 2012

PaC Man & Wife: Maybe I'm Amazed

My grandparents, our parents, and the bridal party, including Mr. PaC, processed down the flagstone paver aisle to an acoustic version of "Maybe I'm Amazed" by The Vitamin String Quartet. We instinctively chose instrumental pieces for their emotional oomph without the distraction of vocals. The processional music was to be subtle. If guests could identify the song and knew the lyrics, all the better. I did not want Sir Paul getting shouty during our processional, even if he is my favorite Beatle.

So press play and be prepared to cry. As the violin crescendos around the 9 second mark, my heart swells and I tear up. Still. 

My beloved grandparents begin the processional.

Mr. PaC's dad and step-mom.

Mr. PaC's brother/best man escorts their mom.

My mom escorted by groomsman J.

Mr. PaC! Mr. PaC! Mr. PaC!

Bridesmaid R, our good friend (and wedding pro).

My sister, who appears to be only slightly nervous.

A spectacular shot that shows just how impressively gorgeous the grounds were.

Next up, my dad and I share a walk down the aisle.

(all photos by Heather Fowler Photography, unless otherwise noted)

Catch up on our PaC recaps!

Days Before
Wedding Morning



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