Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Thanksgiving un-surprise

Every Thanksgiving, we trek to north Jersey to see Mr. P's family. This time, we had some news to share with the 20+ family members. His mom promised to keep our engagement a secret. I had happy butterflies all week at the thought of revealing our happy news. We walked into his aunt's house without saying a word, thinking we were going to pull one over on everyone until it came out in a dramatic reveal. But it was not to be.

Grandpa Lou spilled the beans. He knew Mr. P was ring shopping in October. Slowly, word got around. Folks trickled in with expectant grins on their faces, congratulating us as they asked to see the ring. We didn't get our big surprise. And you know what, the outpouring of love and support was no less diminished.

Don't you worry about us. We really got it a week later. At our company's 300+ person holiday dinner/annual meeting, our president stopped in the middle of his welcome speech when he saw us squeeze in late (never again!) and asked us to remain standing so he could make a big announcement. I knew what was coming and looked around desperately for an open chair. Mr. P was clueless as to why I was tugging on his jacket with such fervor. The room erupted into cheers and applause, I turned about 5 shades of red, and we spend the duration of the evening fielding questions about our yet-to-be-planned nuptials.

You get what you ask for, kids!

(All personal photos unless otherwise noted.)

Were you able to surprise anyone with your engagement news?

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