You thought of everything but the return envelope. (Turn the card over.) Oooooooh! *laughter* It's a postcard! - FMIL
Love the colors. Love the striped card! And the "ridiculous amounts of joy" -- I can't wait! - Mom
Her mother got such a kick out of her invitation, she's taking it to the dining hall to show her friends. - FFIL
Your invitations are wonderful and couldn't go by without comment. The design and coloration produced such a wonderful style I couldn't help but smile as a result. I noticed your stamp choice as well. - an aunt

And invite-love from our friends:
Love love love the invites!! Love the colors, the designs, the words!! Just think about the "ridiculous amounts of joy" that you will have... that made me emotional :) I'm so sappy!
"And guest?" Am I that unpredictable? ;) Fun invitations! I like them.
When I saw the yellow envelope, I got really excited! The wedding invitation!!

enthusiasm with smiley stickers!
The positive reaction from our guests makes all the hard work so worthwhile! Their excitement is contagious and I find my enthusiasm renewed with each new RSVP. It's difficult to sustain a high level of excitement over the course of a 19 month engagement, but I'm getting back into it as we approach the 2 month mark.
What motivates you to keep going through the endless list of to-do's?
Love your RSVP cards! They are so lovely :) We are still designing our invites, majorly lagging behind...