Mr. P introduced me to the fan-frickin'-tastic chocolates by way of their chocolate covered potato chips. Yes, salty and sweet in one snack! They're like a drug, a very delicious drug. The chocolate is imported from Switzerland, the oh so delicious cream comes from the cows in nearby Oxford and the potato chips are sourced from the Herr's factory down the road.

The only retail location is a short drive through the rolling Pennsylvania countryside. It's just far enough away for us to make it up for holidays and special occasions... like Christmas, Valentine's Day, Easter, boat trips, my birthday and sometimes just because. Lucky family members receive boxes of truffles, Swiss chips and seasonal stollen. (And an extra container of Swiss chips for me... for the drive home.) I've likened visiting Albert at Neuchatel to going to the North Pole to see Santa. He's always so jolly, possibly from all the liquor infused truffles?

So choosing chocolate truffles from Neuchatel as our wedding favors was automatic -- not even a discussion was involved. For the quality of the chocolate and inclusion of packaging, you cannot beat $3/favor. Two truffles (milk and dark chocolate champagne) come with each box, but I think we'll ask our family friend if we can mix it up.

Are you doing favors? If so, what type of favor are you thinking of?
And what chocolate flavors would you love to receive??
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