I never realized menswear had so many nuanced variables. A suit was just a suit... and then I looked closer. Spending a solid Saturday suit shopping (excuse me while I untie my tongue) with the future mister will do that to a girl.
Going into it rather blindly, a grey, preferably slim fit, suit was my pick. He wanted ABB (anything but black) since "black is too severe and doesn't go with [his] coloring." Funny how this stuff comes out now. I had no clue he felt that way.
Store 1: Jos. A. Bank
Mr. P's go-to store for work suits was a logical first stop. Here, the suits lean toward traditional fabrics and cuts. Which is fine for work, but a little too boxy for a semi-formal wedding. Winter is probably not the
best time to go hunting for a summer suit, but there we were. Lots of black, brown, charcoal and navy, but not a lot of lighter grey. Our favorite suit was this medium grey number.