Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Accessorize me

What was the one thing I wanted to do before leaving the Priscilla of Boston store? I bet you can guess on the first try. Try on my lovely gown again! The sample has seen some wear since the last time I visited, but the gown still delights me. (Even after the Vera beauties.)

I brought accessories (and my camera) to see what would work with the gown. In tow were my Seychelles wedding shoes, several pairs of earrings and a bracelet. First up were my favorite earrings and bracelet:

My clear crystal earrings & the pink J. Crew version

My crystal and gold cobblestone bracelet and a similar black J. Crew version

I bought the J. Crew jewelry blindly, intending to wear with my dress (if not, oh well). However, the burnished gold wasn't the right metal finish. BM R also thought the squared crystal earrings weren't the right shape for the details of the dress. Round would work better so we tried these old rhinestone blingy things to get a better idea.
(personal photo)

The metal and shape looked better, but it was too much shine. I'm shooting for a more subdued look. Nothing about this says subdued. Also tried on a large, white shell oval which I loved the boldness of, but maybe something more formal? The last pair was a multi-stone chain dangle deemed too long.

Ok, Brian. Scoot. Skedaddle. Shoo.

You don't want to see this. Move along.

Dress spoilers ahead!

Right: blingy, Left: shell

The prospect of continuing to shop for jewelry is exciting, but the endless options are a little daunting. What do you think I need?

As for the shoes, they look fine. I'm not demanding too much of them aside from comfort and knowing I can wear them again. And all anyone will see is the toe, which will be my toes.

Other things in discussion were the hem (too short on the sample gown, glad we ordered up a size) and bustle. My options are American or French. American is a single point bustle. French is a multi-point bustle, often 3 or more, hidden in the folds of the train. I asked our Priscilla gal to demonstrate both options so I can review ad nauseum at home.

American & French
My dress looks so delicious I want to dive into it like a piece of cake! Nom nom nom. Oh, pardon me... forgot you were there!

So, opinions. What type of earrings would you pair with this dress? Which bustle style do you prefer? (I have an early favorite.)

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